The Circle started its season on 28th September and we were pleased to welcome some new people along with our other members. On the first evening, we shared memories of past events, holidays etc. The second evening, we were pleased to welcome Mrs Meriel Grant who gave the meeting useful tips on public speaking techniques.
On the third evening, the 12th October, we had an 'own choice' event, where members and guests read from a favourite poem, or piece of prose, and talked a little about the background to their choice. The selection was very varied and ranged from 'Supertramp', Testament of Youth, by Vera Brittain (mother of Shirley Williams), an article on Teddy Roosevelt, the poem, Ozymandius by Shelley, an excerpt from 'Far from the Madding Crowd', by Thomas Hardy, a short story by Roald Dahl, another poem, Yeats's 'The Fisherman', Pam Ayre's 'Where there is a Will'. Lastly I spoke about the fascinating book 'Blue is the Night' by Eoin McNamee.
Just a reminder that next week, we will be pleased to welcome Kerena Crowe, as our adjudicator, for practice pieces on prepared and extempore short speeches. Once again you will be very welcome to join us, either to observe or take part.
On the third evening, the 12th October, we had an 'own choice' event, where members and guests read from a favourite poem, or piece of prose, and talked a little about the background to their choice. The selection was very varied and ranged from 'Supertramp', Testament of Youth, by Vera Brittain (mother of Shirley Williams), an article on Teddy Roosevelt, the poem, Ozymandius by Shelley, an excerpt from 'Far from the Madding Crowd', by Thomas Hardy, a short story by Roald Dahl, another poem, Yeats's 'The Fisherman', Pam Ayre's 'Where there is a Will'. Lastly I spoke about the fascinating book 'Blue is the Night' by Eoin McNamee.
Just a reminder that next week, we will be pleased to welcome Kerena Crowe, as our adjudicator, for practice pieces on prepared and extempore short speeches. Once again you will be very welcome to join us, either to observe or take part.