Barry welcomed everyone to the first event of 2014 and when everybody had caught up on sharing a few memories of how they'd spent Christmas and seen in the New Year, we listened to his explanation of the evenings' activity. Yes, we've all heard of the popular radio programme 'Call my Bluff', so, in addition, Barry reminded us of a few factors that might help in figuring out what was true or not. So, what is a 'tell' do you think? Something that acts as a clue to the fact someone might be lying (all in the nature of this exercise of course.) Well, for a start, observing body language - if someone touches their nose, or makes mouth movements, or fidgets, or eye movements, according to NLP (neuro- linguistic programming) , well, they're all signs of untruth telling. Having primed our awareness of what to look out for, we formed teams of three, and Barry distributed to each member a card with a strange word and a short definition. The idea, of course, is that one team member had the true definition, and the other two were bluffers........
So how many of these words have you heard of - 1. Nomophobia, 2. Pogonphobia, 3. Omphalopia 4. Turophobia
5.Omberophobia. 6. Letraphobia. ??????
Well, as you'd imagine the point of this exercise was to bluff as if your explanation was true, and if true, to tell it as if you weren't bluffing. Being, that this was the Belfast Speakers' Circle, the explanations, were ingenious, often hilarious, and for yours truly anyway, quite a task to sort out fact from fiction. Meriel was the star performer and won the prize which everyone shared in eating at supper afterwards.
And by the way, do you suffer from 1 - Nomophobia? It's the fear of being without mobile phone coverage. According to recent surveys more than half of the people in the UK suffer from it !
Well it's time to finish the blog for this evening. I will be off on a little holiday until mid February so please tune in again, to how things are going at the Speakers' Circle, when I return. Or better still, please go along to our meetings on Monday evenings. All the details about time and venue are on this website, and you'd be very welcome. Happy New Year.
So how many of these words have you heard of - 1. Nomophobia, 2. Pogonphobia, 3. Omphalopia 4. Turophobia
5.Omberophobia. 6. Letraphobia. ??????
Well, as you'd imagine the point of this exercise was to bluff as if your explanation was true, and if true, to tell it as if you weren't bluffing. Being, that this was the Belfast Speakers' Circle, the explanations, were ingenious, often hilarious, and for yours truly anyway, quite a task to sort out fact from fiction. Meriel was the star performer and won the prize which everyone shared in eating at supper afterwards.
And by the way, do you suffer from 1 - Nomophobia? It's the fear of being without mobile phone coverage. According to recent surveys more than half of the people in the UK suffer from it !
Well it's time to finish the blog for this evening. I will be off on a little holiday until mid February so please tune in again, to how things are going at the Speakers' Circle, when I return. Or better still, please go along to our meetings on Monday evenings. All the details about time and venue are on this website, and you'd be very welcome. Happy New Year.