This year's President Kathy McClean welcomed a good turn out of members and visitors to the opening event of the season. There were many memorable contributions from the floor on the topic of Reminiscence. Last year's President, Barry, described how, he and Russian wife, Anna, had welcomed their new baby daughter, Alicia, into the world last May. He spoke movingly about the joys and hopes of parenthood. Other members spoke entertainingly about past experiences which had been memorable for a variety of reasons. It was good to see our guests taking to the podium and proving that public speaking need not be a frightening experience, when there is such a supportive audience as the Belfast Speakers' Circle provides.
Kathy closed the evening, thanking everyone for their contributions to a most worthwhile evening and reminding us that the theme for next Monday evening will be poetry. So why not come along and read one of your favourite poems and tell us a little about the poet? We extend a warm welcome to guests or even just curious observers.
Kathy closed the evening, thanking everyone for their contributions to a most worthwhile evening and reminding us that the theme for next Monday evening will be poetry. So why not come along and read one of your favourite poems and tell us a little about the poet? We extend a warm welcome to guests or even just curious observers.