The Speakers' Circle was pleased to see a good turn out of members this evening, each prepared to have a go at presenting their prepared speeches from a given list of five titles. The President, Barry, introduced the evening, and as an aid to calming nerves referred to Dale Carnegie's advice which was to apply horse sense to ridding yourself of fear. Winston Churchill also got a mention as he was a great believer in the power of repetition to gain confidence in speaking. Being inspired with these thoughts, Nick was the first to take to the podium - and gave another hilarious talk on the merits of not wrapping kids in cotton wool, but allowing them to experience the iron discipline of Army life. Two of the members talked about the topic of whether or not the Irish and British were too polite for their own good, and also if they should model themselves on the Germans, and just say what you think.! Three members gave very persuasive and inspirational talks on the power of great speeches to change the world. One member spoke eloquently of her life as being her greatest treasure. Four members chose the open-ended and fascinating topic 'If' . So altogether, a most interesting evening, where once again members showed examples of their skills in the art of public speaking. Next week we look forward to an evening of making extempore speeches, where we have sight of the topics for around ten minutes. Definitely a worthwhile evening next Monday, so we look forward to more of you coming along, even just to observe. We're sure you'll be inspired into taking part.